Welcome to Adventure Realms. A Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game that spreads from fantasy to science fictions. Everything from orcs and spellcasters to soldiers and aliens exists, including vampires and werewolves. Setting up shops, buying homes, and going on adventures are just a few of the things that can happen. But not everything is as it should be... a glitch in the program created an army of the Corrupted, players and creatures that gained unbelievable strength and power but at the cost of their sanity. To prevent the corrupted from escaping into the real world, Adventure Realms went into Safe Mode, locking all players into the game until the corrupted were repaired.
*Opened April 2017 *Account-per-member *Each Clan has a different governing system *Store to purchase items with on-forum money earned by posting and participating in contests and events *No character limit *100 in-character word minimum *Experienced staff members